Hello - I was wondering if anyone out there has footage from the 2003/02/11 - Continental Airlines Arena, East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA show??? Specifically, I am looking for Bed of Roses as I was
the girl who danced with Jon that night!! I've been trying to get a hold of this footage for 21 years:) Thank you in advance.
Kristin M.(Mittwoch, 10 April 2024 00:09)
Hello! I really enjoy everything you have posted and all the dedication you have given to your YouTube channel as well as this website! I have been a fan since 1985, and have been to 172 Bon Jovi
concerts (and hoefully counting *crosses fingers*). I have bins and bins and bins of footage from 1985-2018 on VHS and dvds. I have a BJ channel as well on YouTube but it used to be way better.
Youtube shut down my 1st channel after years of adding videos, so the new one is more or less lacking as I don't have a way to upload videos anymore...Sorry to ramble on! I just wanted to let you
know how much I enjoy everything you do :)
Valerie(Dienstag, 25 Juli 2023 06:10)
I really enjoy your YouTube channel. Good luck with this website.
nikos papageorgopoulos(Sonntag, 28 Mai 2023 19:25)
Great job !!! keep it up!!
Bon Jovi Forever!!
Brendan Edwards(Freitag, 24 März 2023 05:49)
Hey guys. I'm from Australia and was lucky to attend a few concerts back in 1987. Just wanted to let you know that none of the BJ shows were televised here. Love your work!!
Zsolt Hungary(Samstag, 28 Januar 2023 22:27)
I was there in 1993 at the I l sleep when i am dead Tour.at the MTK Stadium and These Days Tour 1996.
Bon Jovi for ever.
Brother Lance(Samstag, 24 Dezember 2022 11:42)
Through the years I have been a die hard Bon Jovi fan. I was born in the Summer of '70 so I was blessed to rock those 80's with the BEST of the best. Looking back I can't believe I remember the first
time I heard You Give Love A Bad Name. I remember the club I was in seeing the video for Keep The Faith while some other mind-banging music blasted in the background. I was in a college dorm in
Brockport, NY when Jon came on playing piano out of nowhere for the acoustic show (Bed of Roses). Going back further (!) I joined the U.S. Army at age 19, clueless to where life would take me and I
could not get out fast enough! Blaze of Glory broke and was a reprieve from the frustrating slog of life that would only compound over and over beyond belief. Over the years, during my most confusing
days, I will hear BJ in the oddest of places - an elevator, a dentist's office, my workplace. Sometimes it is a B-side song that never got released! Bon Jovi music is a lifelong signpost for me to
Always Keep The Faith - more & better to come in another day, another life . . . may God bless
Alistair Murdoch(Mittwoch, 21 September 2022 19:38)
Hi guys! I was the lead singer and guitarist for a South African rock band called Arapaho. We opened for Bon Jovi on all 4 stadium shows for their 'Keep the Faith' tour in South Africa in 1995! ❤️
Eduardo(Dienstag, 06 Juli 2021 21:10)
Great work! Im a very fan of bon jovis set list and this place its perfects.
Hugs from Brazil
Patricio Alvarez Torres(Dienstag, 30 März 2021 18:49)
Can't wait to see the keep the faith tour as well as the previous ones like the new jersey and the slippery tour here on your website! thanks for everything
Louise Jacob(Freitag, 26 März 2021 19:58)
Je vous adore
Thomas Spitzer(Donnerstag, 21 Januar 2021 16:33)
Gutes gelingen für dein Projekt. Ich bin mir sicher du hast noch die guten alten Kontakte aus dem Trader-Netzwerk um ein anspruchsvolles Nachschlagewerk zu erstellen.
Grüße aus Dortmund
bjtours(Freitag, 11 Dezember 2020 15:31)
@Ville: Thanks for the notice. Always welcome! :-)
Ville(Freitag, 11 Dezember 2020 12:09)
Truly a great site, thanks for creating it + keeping it in progress! However, sorry for pointing out a mistake - first one I ever found here, btw -, but Midnight Rider in Atlanta 2008 (night #1)
wasn't the first time it was played since 1993; it had been performed at least once in 2001 as well, in Québec :)
Arkady(Dienstag, 24 November 2020 11:51)
Wowwww what an amazing web! A lot of information about the band! Congrats!!!
Really nice the information about the albums with a lot of curiosities about them. Would be amazing to update it with the last albums!
Elio Soto(Sonntag, 09 August 2020 20:29)
Excelente página y muy buenos datos!
Leo Armendano(Samstag, 04 Juli 2020 18:09)
This is just an amazing page! I take this like my "Guide" to evacuate doubts for shows dates and set list indeed.
Great work Bros
Patricio Alvarez Torres(Donnerstag, 25 Juni 2020 07:03)
Thanks to you guys we can go on tour with the band! One of my biggest dreams is to watch the Munich 2001 show. I heard that was the best show from that tour!
Thanks for everything and keep it up!
Jane(Freitag, 10 April 2020 15:29)
Hi guys! Thank you for your awesome work! I am your follower on YT and IG! Keep doing please ..
Mehul Choksi(Mittwoch, 29 Januar 2020 12:10)
Hi there,
I was wondering if u can find the Mumbai Concert on 26th April 1995. It was their first stop on their 1995 Crossroads to the East tour.
Thanks and Regards,
Petra Busch(Freitag, 04 Oktober 2019 00:32)
Ein herzliches Dankeschön ans bjtours-Team für die vielen und immer aktuellen Tour-Infos!!!
Mein Highlight dieser Tour bleibt das geniale Konzert in Düsseldorf - Eure Videos dazu sehe ich mir immer wieder gerne an!
Ich bin gespannt auf ein neues Album und freue mich auf weitere Infos von Euch�
Bis dahin, liebe Grüße!
Püppi(Samstag, 06 Juli 2019 00:28)
Juhu oder sollte ich lieber guten Morgen sagen?!
Egal, es ist nach Mitternacht und eigentlich sollte ich schlafen bevor das süßeste Baby der Welt wach wird und nach Milch verlangt.
Klappt aber nicht so wirklich, da links von mir geschmatzt wird und rechts geschnarcht...
Also was macht man? Genau endlich mal die Bon Jovi Homepage des Liebsten anschauen (schließlich hat er genug freie Zeit in den letzten Jahren in diese Page gesteckt!) und hier und da in Erinnerungen
Ich gehöre absolut nicht zu den "die-hard" Fans und dennoch mag ich die Musik sehr gerne und jedes meiner Konzerte von Bon Jovi war absolut toll, magisch und einzigartig.
In knapp 9 Jahren Beziehung war Bon Jovi immer ein Thema und ich oft erstaunt, welches enorme Hintergrundwissen du hast! Dass du es jetzt hier quasi verewigst ist sicher mehr als zeitaufwendig, aber
absolut mega für Bon Jovi Fans.
Ich bin sicher, alle Fans, die den Weg hier her finden, werden diese Seite lieben!
Also ein großes Lob für deine bzw. eure Arbeit :-)
Und wenn ich morgen totmüde bin, wirst du hoffentlich mit Freuden das süßeste Baby der Welt bespaßen :-D
Ich liebe dich:-***
Neneh aka Jerseystar(Donnerstag, 13 Juni 2019 19:09)
Wollte doch mal schnell nen Gruss hier lassen. Tolle Seite - findet sich doch irgendwie immer was, das man doch noch nicht wusste oder im Laufe der Jahre vergessen hat. Schön, das man hier seine
Erinnerungen quasi auffrischen kann. Ich komm' wieder!
die Nen.
bjtours(Montag, 04 März 2019 06:07)
@Lynda: Just fill in the form under "contact". All we need is your name, your e-mail and just write into the message field = *Nachricht) the word "newsletter" and you will get on the list.
Lynda(Sonntag, 03 März 2019 02:09)
I’m having trouble getting e-mail
For the Update! Is not English?
Weston Atwood(Donnerstag, 14 Februar 2019 02:08)
Love this idea, Bon Jovi has played a special role in my life and they need a proper fan site!
Petra Busch(Freitag, 08 Februar 2019 23:38)
Guten Abend!
Ich hab gerade Deine aktuelle und sozusagen druckfrische "Ausarbeitung" über These Days gelesen!
Ich bin immer wieder begeistert über soviele Infos!
Liebe Grüße!
Petra Busch(Samstag, 12 September 2015 16:05)
Great! A very good idea.
I´m very proud to be first writing a comment and I hope,
the other millions of fans will follow.
Good luck and best wishes!
Riley N. (Mittwoch, 11 Dezember 2024 03:11)
Hello, I am obsessed with bon jovi.�
Lori H. (Freitag, 03 Mai 2024 21:47)
Hello - I was wondering if anyone out there has footage from the 2003/02/11 - Continental Airlines Arena, East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA show??? Specifically, I am looking for Bed of Roses as I was the girl who danced with Jon that night!! I've been trying to get a hold of this footage for 21 years:) Thank you in advance.
Kristin M. (Mittwoch, 10 April 2024 00:09)
Hello! I really enjoy everything you have posted and all the dedication you have given to your YouTube channel as well as this website! I have been a fan since 1985, and have been to 172 Bon Jovi concerts (and hoefully counting *crosses fingers*). I have bins and bins and bins of footage from 1985-2018 on VHS and dvds. I have a BJ channel as well on YouTube but it used to be way better. Youtube shut down my 1st channel after years of adding videos, so the new one is more or less lacking as I don't have a way to upload videos anymore...Sorry to ramble on! I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy everything you do :)
Valerie (Dienstag, 25 Juli 2023 06:10)
I really enjoy your YouTube channel. Good luck with this website.
nikos papageorgopoulos (Sonntag, 28 Mai 2023 19:25)
Great job !!! keep it up!!
Bon Jovi Forever!!
Brendan Edwards (Freitag, 24 März 2023 05:49)
Hey guys. I'm from Australia and was lucky to attend a few concerts back in 1987. Just wanted to let you know that none of the BJ shows were televised here. Love your work!!
Zsolt Hungary (Samstag, 28 Januar 2023 22:27)
I was there in 1993 at the I l sleep when i am dead Tour.at the MTK Stadium and These Days Tour 1996.
Bon Jovi for ever.
Brother Lance (Samstag, 24 Dezember 2022 11:42)
Through the years I have been a die hard Bon Jovi fan. I was born in the Summer of '70 so I was blessed to rock those 80's with the BEST of the best. Looking back I can't believe I remember the first time I heard You Give Love A Bad Name. I remember the club I was in seeing the video for Keep The Faith while some other mind-banging music blasted in the background. I was in a college dorm in Brockport, NY when Jon came on playing piano out of nowhere for the acoustic show (Bed of Roses). Going back further (!) I joined the U.S. Army at age 19, clueless to where life would take me and I could not get out fast enough! Blaze of Glory broke and was a reprieve from the frustrating slog of life that would only compound over and over beyond belief. Over the years, during my most confusing days, I will hear BJ in the oddest of places - an elevator, a dentist's office, my workplace. Sometimes it is a B-side song that never got released! Bon Jovi music is a lifelong signpost for me to Always Keep The Faith - more & better to come in another day, another life . . . may God bless
Alistair Murdoch (Mittwoch, 21 September 2022 19:38)
Hi guys! I was the lead singer and guitarist for a South African rock band called Arapaho. We opened for Bon Jovi on all 4 stadium shows for their 'Keep the Faith' tour in South Africa in 1995! ❤️
Eduardo (Dienstag, 06 Juli 2021 21:10)
Great work! Im a very fan of bon jovis set list and this place its perfects.
Hugs from Brazil
Patricio Alvarez Torres (Dienstag, 30 März 2021 18:49)
Can't wait to see the keep the faith tour as well as the previous ones like the new jersey and the slippery tour here on your website! thanks for everything
Louise Jacob (Freitag, 26 März 2021 19:58)
Je vous adore
Thomas Spitzer (Donnerstag, 21 Januar 2021 16:33)
Gutes gelingen für dein Projekt. Ich bin mir sicher du hast noch die guten alten Kontakte aus dem Trader-Netzwerk um ein anspruchsvolles Nachschlagewerk zu erstellen.
Grüße aus Dortmund
bjtours (Freitag, 11 Dezember 2020 15:31)
@Ville: Thanks for the notice. Always welcome! :-)
Ville (Freitag, 11 Dezember 2020 12:09)
Truly a great site, thanks for creating it + keeping it in progress! However, sorry for pointing out a mistake - first one I ever found here, btw -, but Midnight Rider in Atlanta 2008 (night #1) wasn't the first time it was played since 1993; it had been performed at least once in 2001 as well, in Québec :)
Arkady (Dienstag, 24 November 2020 11:51)
Wowwww what an amazing web! A lot of information about the band! Congrats!!!
Really nice the information about the albums with a lot of curiosities about them. Would be amazing to update it with the last albums!
Elio Soto (Sonntag, 09 August 2020 20:29)
Excelente página y muy buenos datos!
Leo Armendano (Samstag, 04 Juli 2020 18:09)
This is just an amazing page! I take this like my "Guide" to evacuate doubts for shows dates and set list indeed.
Great work Bros
Patricio Alvarez Torres (Donnerstag, 25 Juni 2020 07:03)
Thanks to you guys we can go on tour with the band! One of my biggest dreams is to watch the Munich 2001 show. I heard that was the best show from that tour!
Thanks for everything and keep it up!
Jane (Freitag, 10 April 2020 15:29)
Hi guys! Thank you for your awesome work! I am your follower on YT and IG! Keep doing please ..
Mehul Choksi (Mittwoch, 29 Januar 2020 12:10)
Hi there,
I was wondering if u can find the Mumbai Concert on 26th April 1995. It was their first stop on their 1995 Crossroads to the East tour.
Thanks and Regards,
Petra Busch (Freitag, 04 Oktober 2019 00:32)
Ein herzliches Dankeschön ans bjtours-Team für die vielen und immer aktuellen Tour-Infos!!!
Mein Highlight dieser Tour bleibt das geniale Konzert in Düsseldorf - Eure Videos dazu sehe ich mir immer wieder gerne an!
Ich bin gespannt auf ein neues Album und freue mich auf weitere Infos von Euch�
Bis dahin, liebe Grüße!
Püppi (Samstag, 06 Juli 2019 00:28)
Juhu oder sollte ich lieber guten Morgen sagen?!
Egal, es ist nach Mitternacht und eigentlich sollte ich schlafen bevor das süßeste Baby der Welt wach wird und nach Milch verlangt.
Klappt aber nicht so wirklich, da links von mir geschmatzt wird und rechts geschnarcht...
Also was macht man? Genau endlich mal die Bon Jovi Homepage des Liebsten anschauen (schließlich hat er genug freie Zeit in den letzten Jahren in diese Page gesteckt!) und hier und da in Erinnerungen schwelgen.
Ich gehöre absolut nicht zu den "die-hard" Fans und dennoch mag ich die Musik sehr gerne und jedes meiner Konzerte von Bon Jovi war absolut toll, magisch und einzigartig.
In knapp 9 Jahren Beziehung war Bon Jovi immer ein Thema und ich oft erstaunt, welches enorme Hintergrundwissen du hast! Dass du es jetzt hier quasi verewigst ist sicher mehr als zeitaufwendig, aber absolut mega für Bon Jovi Fans.
Ich bin sicher, alle Fans, die den Weg hier her finden, werden diese Seite lieben!
Also ein großes Lob für deine bzw. eure Arbeit :-)
Und wenn ich morgen totmüde bin, wirst du hoffentlich mit Freuden das süßeste Baby der Welt bespaßen :-D
Ich liebe dich:-***
Neneh aka Jerseystar (Donnerstag, 13 Juni 2019 19:09)
Wollte doch mal schnell nen Gruss hier lassen. Tolle Seite - findet sich doch irgendwie immer was, das man doch noch nicht wusste oder im Laufe der Jahre vergessen hat. Schön, das man hier seine Erinnerungen quasi auffrischen kann. Ich komm' wieder!
die Nen.
bjtours (Montag, 04 März 2019 06:07)
@Lynda: Just fill in the form under "contact". All we need is your name, your e-mail and just write into the message field = *Nachricht) the word "newsletter" and you will get on the list.
Lynda (Sonntag, 03 März 2019 02:09)
I’m having trouble getting e-mail
For the Update! Is not English?
Weston Atwood (Donnerstag, 14 Februar 2019 02:08)
Love this idea, Bon Jovi has played a special role in my life and they need a proper fan site!
Petra Busch (Freitag, 08 Februar 2019 23:38)
Guten Abend!
Ich hab gerade Deine aktuelle und sozusagen druckfrische "Ausarbeitung" über These Days gelesen!
Ich bin immer wieder begeistert über soviele Infos!
Liebe Grüße!
Petra Busch (Samstag, 12 September 2015 16:05)
Great! A very good idea.
I´m very proud to be first writing a comment and I hope,
the other millions of fans will follow.
Good luck and best wishes!